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Red Cross Charity Drive Zumbathon

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You’re helping the ICU medical team warm up little ones… from their toes to their ears

By contributing much-needed funds to equip the brand new paediatric Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, you’ve helped the Children’s Hospital Trust purchase a Giraffe Warmer for the Neonatal High Care Unit.



The ICU needs four of these life-saving machines to keep neonatal babies safe and warm as they heal from illness or injury.

A Giraffe Warmer is a revolutionary heater designed to eliminate a large, overhead heater. It makes it much easier to observe the patient and perform procedures such as X-ray examinations and even surgery.

One Giraffe Warmer costs R493 000.

NB!!! The first 100 participants to book online and have their tickets present on the day will receive the goodie bags 🎁 when booking online please submit your t-shirt size as well.

Date: 26 November 2017

Venue: Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital

More Information

This post is sponsored by Chas Everitt Cape Town South


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