Everyone knows Gumtree. Gumtree is primarily a Classified Portal founded in the UK, AUS, NZ and SA. In 2005 it was bought by the global giant eBay. They are SA’s #1 Classified Site, the 6th biggest Website in SA. Their focus on a simple mobile interface and a easy to use App is paying dividends and their across the board popularity is increasing. Their App is the 11th most downloaded App in Android free Apps.
Real Estate
Due to their size Gumtree is also now 2nd in SA on Property after Property24 and better than PrivateProperty. Gumtree attracted over 1 300 000 visits in June (P24 2 400 000 and PP 1 100 000).
Gumtree are about to launch a major drive into real estate sales the from August 2015. With the traffic and eyes they control, their funding via eBay and their already being a Top 10 site, they are a major player.
Our Marketing Solutions ensure maximum exposure to qualified buyers. As from this week all Chas Everitt listings are now on Gumtree.